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DEEP DIVE: Creating the Ultimate Retail Experience for Your Customers

Nov 19 2024

9:30 AM - 11:00 AM CST


In this session, I will be speaking about all the aspects of a store environment that contribute to creating the ultimate experience for your customers. I will also be exploring technologies and concepts in the future to further elevate this experience.

I often see incredibly successful retailers focusing so much on inventory and product knowledge (both of which are very important), that they aren’t taking the time to step back and look at the bigger picture of what type of experience their customer has when they enter the store.  

From first impression, to lighting, to special features, digital interactions, product display and more, my presentation will be filled with examples and inspiration that you can bring back home to make an immediate impact in your store.   

In this presentation, I will look at bigger retail trends outside the industry as inspiration and then follow these trends to the specialty run channel for tangible, actionable suggestions and inspiration.  I will also highlight some technologies that are already being implemented outside the run specialty channel that are very interesting.  

I’m confident everybody who attends my session will leave feeling inspired about updating their retail space to provide the ultimate experience for their customers. 

Session Learning Objectives: 

1.) Learn what key areas most impact customers as they enter a store.    
2.) Explore many tangible ideas on how to better highlight products to excite and engage customers.
3.) Consider special retail feature suggestions to elevate the customer’s shopping experience.


3 Dots Design

- Owner / Visual Visionary

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